When it comes to microelectronics, accurate and efficient analysis is paramount. Microelectronics is the backbone of countless technologies, from smartphones and laptops to medical devices and aerospace technology. As the field continues to evolve, the need for advanced analytical techniques grows. Enter Micro X-ray Fluorescence (microXRF, microEDXRF, µXRF, µEDXRF) – a powerful and versatile method that is becoming increasingly popular for the analysis of microelectronics.

What is MicroXRF?

MicroXRF is a non-destructive technique that uses X-ray radiation to analyze the elemental composition of a sample. It works by exposing a sample to a focused X-ray beam. The atoms in the sample then absorb this energy and re-emit it in the form of characteristic X-ray fluorescence, revealing a wealth of information about the elements present. The “Micro” in MicroXRF refers to the very small illumination area that can be achieved (down to 5μm spot diameter). This very small excitation area allows for exquisite elemental mapping as shown in the elemental map below. Given the very small feature sizes associated with microelectronic components, this high-resolution mapping capability associated with MicroXRF provides sub feature inspection capability. 

MicroXRF offers several advantages over other analytical methods. It can analyze a broad range of elements, from light elements such as sodium to heavy ones like uranium, making it versatile for various applications. Importantly, for the delicate nature of microelectronics, microXRF is a non-contact, non-destructive method, which means it doesn’t harm the sample during analysis.

MicroXRF in Microelectronics

MicroXRF has a wide range of applications in microelectronics, from quality control to failure analysis.

MicroXRF analysis of a PCB

Figure 1. A 2D elemental map of a printed circuit board (PCB), illustrating the non-destructive elemental analysis technique.

Here are just a few examples:

Quality Control

In manufacturing microelectronics, it’s crucial to ensure that the devices are built with materials that meet strict quality standards. MicroXRF is an excellent tool for this, allowing manufacturers to inspect incoming materials for compliance with specifications and standards. It’s also used for routine inspection during production to ensure consistent quality and detect any deviations early on.  For example, microXRF can detect impurities in the solder used to attach components to circuit boards, ensuring that the quality of the solder is up to standard.

Failure Analysis

When electronic components fail, it is important to determine the root cause of the failure. MicroXRF can be used to analyze the failed component and determine whether the failure was due to a manufacturing defect or a design flaw. By analyzing the elemental composition of the failed component, microXRF can help identify the specific cause of the failure, allowing engineers to develop solutions to prevent similar failures in the future.

Material Characterization

MicroXRF can be used to characterize the elemental composition of the materials used in electronic components. This can be particularly useful when developing new materials or optimizing existing materials for specific applications. For example, microXRF can be used to analyze the composition of conductive materials used in microelectronics, allowing engineers to optimize the materials for specific electrical properties.

Coating Analysis

MicroXRF excels at analyzing thin coatings and layers in microelectronic devices. It can measure coating thickness, determine coating homogeneity, and identify the elements in the coating. This is particularly important in microelectronics, where the performance and lifespan of a device can significantly depend on the quality of coatings.

Research and Development

Innovations in microelectronics often involve the exploration of new materials and structures. MicroXRF can be a powerful tool in this exploration, providing detailed elemental analysis to help researchers understand how different materials and structures perform.

Process Development

MicroXRF can be used to monitor the effectiveness of various manufacturing processes used in microelectronics. By analyzing the elemental composition of samples at different stages of the manufacturing process, engineers can determine whether the process is producing the desired results. This can help identify areas for improvement and optimize the manufacturing process to produce higher-quality components.

Environmental Monitoring

MicroXRF can also be used to monitor the environmental impact of electronic components. By analyzing the elemental composition of electronic components, engineers can determine whether they contain any hazardous materials, such as lead or cadmium. This can help ensure electronic components comply with environmental regulations, such as the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive.


MicroXRF is a versatile analytical technique that has a wide range of applications in the field of microelectronics. Its non-destructive nature, high spatial resolution, and ability to analyze small areas make it particularly useful for quality control, failure analysis, material characterization, process development, and environmental monitoring. As the demand for smaller, more complex electronic components continues to grow, microXRF is likely to become an even more important tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of these components.

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